A shiny
A quarto tip.
## A Recap of a Shiny Conference
From tools to frameworks for tools.
Parameterized markdown and CRON jobs
CRON jobs and web servers?
Use APIs.
Here’s a little example.
]Normal tracebacks vs [mandatory] shiny tracebacks
Pages [12 column width] - fluidPage()
: a generic page - fixedPage()
: a fixed width page - fillPage()
: a full screen page - sidebarLayout()
- fluidRow()
and column()
and tabPanel()
]the theme argument and bootstrap/bootswatch
NB: there’s a version argument
9.1 is on uploads. This can get tricky with Docker. 9.2 on downloads.
Three key techniques: 1. update
2. tabsetPanel for conditionals 3. uiOutput and renderUI
Functional programming.
is backEnvironments and data.
We will walk through at least one example as time permits.
Communicating With Data: Week 10 (20 Mar 2023)