Flows to Marion County


Robert W. Walker


February 5, 2023

The tidycensus package is really neat. There is an example in the vignettes that tracks flows of people by county that I wanted to recreate for Marion County Oregon. It is the vignette on other datasets.

options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
marion_flows <- get_flows(
  geography = "county",
  state = "OR",
  county = "Marion",
  year = 2018,
  geometry = TRUE

I want to directly as I can borrow this.

top_move_in <- marion_flows %>% 
  filter(!is.na(GEOID2), variable == "MOVEDIN") %>% 
  slice_max(n = 25, order_by = estimate) %>% 
    width = log(estimate),
    tooltip = paste0(
      scales::comma(estimate * 5, 1),
      " people moved from ", str_remove(FULL2_NAME, "Metro Area"),
      " to ", str_remove(FULL1_NAME, "Metro Area"), " between 2014 and 2018"
# md <- 
top_move_in %>% 
  mapdeck(pitch = 45) %>% 
    origin = "centroid1",
    destination = "centroid2",
    stroke_width = "width",
    auto_highlight = TRUE,
    highlight_colour = "#8c43facc",
    tooltip = "tooltip"


knitr::write_bib(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs), file="bibliography.bib")


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