Marveling at map()

Celebrating map


Robert W. Walker


February 5, 2023

I want to learn about map and begin to replace my use of apply for everything.

Goal: import a directory full of csv files.

Method. First, load purrr and the tidyverse and then create a tibble for the filenames because we are creating the example. map wants to output a list so I have to unlist it into the tibble.

# Create a set of filenames
fnames <- tibble(
      ~paste0("file",.x,".csv", sep="")

Create the files

Now I need to create some files in a given directory. I have created a directory called fakedata.


Now I want to write the data to the directory to conclude the reproducible example. In this case, there are five csv files.

     ~ write.csv(data.frame(x1=rnorm(10),x2=rnorm(10)),       file = paste0("./fakedata/",.x, sep="")))

That seems to work.

Photo of success

Loading the files

Though I already know the names of the files, in most cases, I would need to collect them. In this particular case, dir() will come in very handy.

[1] "file1.csv" "file2.csv" "file3.csv" "file4.csv" "file5.csv"
file.names <- dir("fakedata")

Now let’s take those and load the files. We will combine read.csv with map to get a list containing all of the files.

read.files <- file.names %>% map(., ~ read.csv(paste0("fakedata/",.x, sep="")))
    X          x1          x2
1   1 -1.38001285 -1.22636540
2   2  0.18200309 -0.47330201
3   3  0.38672920  0.32228012
4   4  1.59951536  0.17438280
5   5  0.04066402 -2.17050573
6   6 -0.25814383  0.35882778
7   7 -1.09942888  0.05209077
8   8 -0.96198031 -0.31535964
9   9 -0.71146188 -0.88743843
10 10 -0.90768963 -1.64463965

    X          x1          x2
1   1 -0.93160098  0.38577793
2   2 -1.11500843 -2.28599247
3   3  0.48695836 -0.38091065
4   4  0.43833164  1.94491090
5   5  1.38558361  0.29454227
6   6 -0.08697636  0.14269709
7   7  1.32351741  0.29570675
8   8 -0.51831633 -1.07216871
9   9 -0.51175809  0.01959317
10 10  0.89500573 -1.03716777

    X         x1          x2
1   1 -0.8834481 -0.25006254
2   2  1.0708784 -1.36573365
3   3  0.3286340 -0.10929292
4   4  1.2088226 -0.04355173
5   5 -0.5257318 -0.47974675
6   6  3.0484664 -0.32511134
7   7 -0.2252273  1.23925377
8   8  1.0458161 -1.18513179
9   9  0.3243315  1.44062060
10 10  0.8238747 -1.53231879

    X         x1          x2
1   1  0.8460534  0.08150364
2   2 -0.3220720  1.07239215
3   3  1.3478005  1.18462705
4   4  0.9222565  1.16223158
5   5  1.1380822  1.05890088
6   6  0.6123547 -1.46789361
7   7 -0.2974722 -0.37149873
8   8  1.0321546  0.15357759
9   9 -0.3445316 -0.95253704
10 10 -0.1112015 -0.64225964

    X          x1          x2
1   1 -1.15093999  0.54168693
2   2  0.35413293 -0.09396014
3   3 -1.26696402  0.25582265
4   4  0.06712394  1.23749986
5   5  0.53648590  0.37711498
6   6 -1.29457309  0.23440024
7   7  0.44966760  0.45751493
8   8 -0.42755728  0.89952539
9   9 -0.06584558  0.09520603
10 10 -0.50046918 -0.16258746

Let me stick the filenames on the list elements. This allows any individual one to be addressed in a relatively intuitive way. I show an example by calculating the mean of x1 in the third dataset.

clean.files <- read.files
names(clean.files) <- file.names
    X          x1          x2
1   1 -1.38001285 -1.22636540
2   2  0.18200309 -0.47330201
3   3  0.38672920  0.32228012
4   4  1.59951536  0.17438280
5   5  0.04066402 -2.17050573
6   6 -0.25814383  0.35882778
7   7 -1.09942888  0.05209077
8   8 -0.96198031 -0.31535964
9   9 -0.71146188 -0.88743843
10 10 -0.90768963 -1.64463965

    X          x1          x2
1   1 -0.93160098  0.38577793
2   2 -1.11500843 -2.28599247
3   3  0.48695836 -0.38091065
4   4  0.43833164  1.94491090
5   5  1.38558361  0.29454227
6   6 -0.08697636  0.14269709
7   7  1.32351741  0.29570675
8   8 -0.51831633 -1.07216871
9   9 -0.51175809  0.01959317
10 10  0.89500573 -1.03716777

    X         x1          x2
1   1 -0.8834481 -0.25006254
2   2  1.0708784 -1.36573365
3   3  0.3286340 -0.10929292
4   4  1.2088226 -0.04355173
5   5 -0.5257318 -0.47974675
6   6  3.0484664 -0.32511134
7   7 -0.2252273  1.23925377
8   8  1.0458161 -1.18513179
9   9  0.3243315  1.44062060
10 10  0.8238747 -1.53231879

    X         x1          x2
1   1  0.8460534  0.08150364
2   2 -0.3220720  1.07239215
3   3  1.3478005  1.18462705
4   4  0.9222565  1.16223158
5   5  1.1380822  1.05890088
6   6  0.6123547 -1.46789361
7   7 -0.2974722 -0.37149873
8   8  1.0321546  0.15357759
9   9 -0.3445316 -0.95253704
10 10 -0.1112015 -0.64225964

    X          x1          x2
1   1 -1.15093999  0.54168693
2   2  0.35413293 -0.09396014
3   3 -1.26696402  0.25582265
4   4  0.06712394  1.23749986
5   5  0.53648590  0.37711498
6   6 -1.29457309  0.23440024
7   7  0.44966760  0.45751493
8   8 -0.42755728  0.89952539
9   9 -0.06584558  0.09520603
10 10 -0.50046918 -0.16258746
clean.files$file3.csv %>% summarise(mean(x1))
[1] 0.6216417

If every spreadsheet happened to be the same, as these are, then we could also stack them. There is a danger to the renaming because of the way it works with unlist. Sticking with the original file, they are straightforward to stack using map_dfr()

stacked.files <- file.names %>% map_dfr(., ~ read.csv(paste0("fakedata/",.x, sep="")))


knitr::write_bib(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs), file="bibliography.bib")


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