Linking Probability and Data
Our core concept is a probability distribution just as above. These come in two forms for two types [discrete (qualitative)] and continuous (quantitative)] and can be either:
Distributions are nouns.
Sentences are incomplete without verbs – parameters.
We need both; it is for this reason that the former slide is true.
We do not always have a grounding for either the name or the parameter.
For now, we will work with univariate distributions though multivariate distributions do exist.
Probability distributions are mathematical formulae expressing likelihood for some set of qualities or quantities.
Like a proper English sentence, both are required.
For our purposes, it is a systematic description of a phenomenon that shares important and essential features of that phenomenon. Models frequently give us leverage on problems in the absence of alternative approaches.
6\sigma is a widely used tool in TQM [total quality management]. But 6\sigma isn’t actually 6\sigma. The famous mantra that goes with it is 3.4 dipmo [defects per million opportunities]. This means that the outer limit [and it only considers one-sided/tailed] on defects is 0.0000034.
Probability calculator
Distribution: Normal
Mean : 0
St. dev : 1
Lower bound : 0.0000034
Upper bound : 1
P(X < -4.5) = 0.0000034
P(X > -4.5) = 1
6\sigma is only 4.5.
Take a binomial with p very small and let n \rightarrow \infty. We get the Poisson distribution (y) given an arrival rate \lambda specified in events per period.
f(y|\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^{y}e^{-\lambda}}{y!}
FAA Decision: Expend or do not expend scarce resources investigating claimed staffing shortages at the Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center.
Essential facts: The Cleveland ARTCC is the US’s busiest in routing cross-country air traffic. In mid-August of 1998, it was reported that the first week of August experienced 3 errors in a one week period; an error occurs when flights come within five miles of one another by horizontal distance or 2000 feet by vertical distance. The Controller’s union claims a staffing shortage though other factors could be responsible. 21 errors per year (21/52 [0.4038462] errors per week) has been the norm in Cleveland for over a decade.
Suppose the variable of interest is discrete and takes only two values: yes and no. For example, is a customer satisfied with the outcomes of a given service visit?
For each individual, because the probability of yes (1) \pi and no (0) 1-\pi must sum to one, we can write:
f(x|\pi) = \pi^{x}(1-\pi)^{1-x}
For multiple identical trials, we have the Binomial:
f(x|n,\pi) = {n \choose k} \pi^{x}(1-\pi)^{n-x} where {n \choose k} = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!}
Informal surveys suggest that 15% of Essex shopkeepers will not accept Scottish pounds. There are approximately 200 shops in the general High Street square.
Interestingly, any given observation has a 50-50 chance of being over or under the median. Suppose that I have five datum.
Everything else.
1 - 0.03125 - 0.03125 = 0.9375
How many failures before the first success? Now defined exclusively by p. In each case, (1-p) happens k times. Then, on the k+1^{th} try, p. Note 0 failures can happen…
Pr(y=k) = (1-p)^{k}p
[Geometric] Plot 1000 random draws of “How many vendors until one refuses my Scottish pounds?”
How many failures before the r^{th} success? In each case, (1-p) happens k times. Then, on the k+1^{th} try, we get our r^{th} p. Note 0 failures can happen…
Pr(y=k) = {k+r-1 \choose r-1}(1-p)^{k}p^{r}
I need to make 5 sales to close for the day. How many potential customers will I have to have to get those five sales when each customer purchases with probability 0.2.
DF <- data.frame(Customers = c(0:70)) %>%
mutate(m.Customers = dnbinom(Customers, size=5, prob=0.2),
p.Customers = pnbinom(Customers, size=5, prob=0.2))
pl1 <- DF %>% ggplot() + aes(x=Customers) + geom_line(aes(y=p.Customers)) + theme_minimal()
pl2 <- DF %>% ggplot() + aes(x=Customers) + geom_point(aes(y=m.Customers)) + theme_minimal()
In this last example, I was concerned with sales. I might also want to generate revenues because I know the rough mean and standard deviation of sales. Combining such things together forms the basis of a Monte Carlo simulation.
Some of the basics are covered in a swirl on simulation.
Customers arrive at a rate of 7 per hour. You convert customers to buyers at a rate of 85%. Buyers spend, on average 600 dollars with a standard deviation of 150 dollars.
Distributions are how variables and probability relate. They are a graph that we can enter in two ways. From the probability side to solve for values or from values to solve for probability. It is always a function of the graph.
Distributions generally have to be sentences.
DADM: Discrete Distributions