A Shiny on Corruption Data


Robert W. Walker


March 17, 2023


Last updated: 2023-04-14 03:01:00

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Transparency Data

Transparency International provides a wealth of interesting data; I want to work with their Corruption Perceptions Index. The data can be obtained in an Excel spreadsheet. Here’s a brief shot of the file. The main object of interest, throughout, is the cpi_score – the corruption perception index.

Excel file

These data have a first two rows that will need to be skipped and the names are terrible but we can use janitor’s clean_names to take care of that. The other thing to notice is three sheets. The second sheet will need some tidying and the third sheet is not all that interesting, to me. Let’s import the first one.

How’s that done?
CPI22 <- readxl::read_excel(path="data/CPI2022_GlobalResultsTrends.xlsx", sheet=1, skip=2) %>% clean_names()

We also have the time series data. Let’s first import them.

How’s that done?
CPI.Time <- readxl::read_excel(path="data/CPI2022_GlobalResultsTrends.xlsx", sheet=2, skip=2) %>% clean_names()

These data require some tidying with pivot_longer; we will want to grab a cpi_score, rank, sources, and standard_error for each year that we have data. It is worth noting that the ranks only go back to 2017. There are harder and easier ways to do this. I wrote a quick function to take two inputs and then pivot each of the four series separately.

How’s that done?
cleaner <- function(data, string) {
  # Start with the data
  data %>%
  # Use the iso3 as ID and keep everything that starts with string
    select(iso3, starts_with(string)) %>%
    # pivot those variables except iso3
               # names_prefix needs to remove string_
                    names_prefix = paste0(string,"_",sep=""),
               # make what's left of the names the year -- it will be a four digit year
                    names_to = "year",
              # make the values named string
CPI.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"cpi_score")
Sources.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"sources")
StdErr.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"standard_error")
Rank.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time, "rank")

Now I can join them back together.

How’s that done?
Panel <- left_join(CPI.TS.Tidy, Sources.TS.Tidy) %>% left_join(., StdErr.TS.Tidy) %>% left_join(Rank.TS.Tidy) %>% mutate(year = as.integer(year))
rm(CPI.TS.Tidy, Sources.TS.Tidy, StdErr.TS.Tidy, Rank.TS.Tidy)

The third sheet is a set of statistically significant changes that I do not so much care about.

A Summary

How’s that done?
Panel %>% skim()
Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 1991
Number of columns 6
Column type frequency:
character 1
numeric 5
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
iso3 0 1 3 3 0 181 0

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
year 0 1.00 2017.00 3.16 2012.00 2014.00 2017.00 2020.00 2022.00 ▇▅▅▅▅
cpi_score 42 0.98 43.03 19.27 8.00 29.00 38.00 56.00 92.00 ▃▇▅▂▂
sources 42 0.98 6.72 1.84 3.00 5.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 ▃▂▇▅▃
standard_error 42 0.98 2.89 1.55 0.41 1.85 2.51 3.49 12.81 ▇▅▁▁▁
rank 911 0.54 89.04 51.63 1.00 45.00 87.00 132.50 180.00 ▇▇▇▇▇

A Map

How’s that done?
world <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")
# create world map using ggplot() function
ggplot(world) +
    geom_sf(fill="pink", color="black", size=0.1, alpha=0.2) +
    theme_void() +
  labs(title="A Starting Point")

Join the Map and the Data

The sf package has special merge methods that I will deploy to combine the two bits of data.

How’s that done?
Map.Data <- merge(world, Panel, by.x="iso_a3", by.y= "iso3")

Now to draw a map.

How’s that done?
# create world map using ggplot() function
Map.Data <- Map.Data %>% mutate(tooltip = paste0(sovereignt,"<br>",year,"<br>CPI: ",cpi_score, sep=""))
Map.Res <- Map.Data %>% 
  dplyr::filter(year==2022L) %>% 
  ggplot(.) +
    geom_sf(aes(fill=cpi_score, text=tooltip), size=0.1, alpha=0.8) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
    theme_void() +
  labs(title="Perceived Corruption around the World in 2022",
       caption="Data from Transparency International",
       fill = "CPI") + theme(legend.position="bottom")

How’s that done?
ggplotly(Map.Res, tooltip = "text")

ggplotly is neat but it has periodic bugs; in the end, it was much better to rewrite in the plotly interface, as you will see at the bottom.

Adding a table

I wanted to add in a table both to follow the assignment instructions and because I wanted to be able to look at some elements in a tabular comparison. It was also an excuse to learn a bit of reactable. This isn’t a very good example of what it will look like in the shiny because the filters will help keep the table of manageable size.

How’s that done?
bar_chart <- function(label, width = "100%", height = "1rem", fill = "#00bfc4", background = NULL) {
  bar <- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height))
  chart <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, marginLeft = "0.5rem", background = background), bar)
  div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), label, chart)

orange_pal <- function(x) rgb(colorRamp(c("#ffe4cc", "#ffb54d"))(x), maxColorValue = 255)

Map.Data |> filter(year == 2020) |> reactable(
              groupBy = "region_un",
              defaultColDef = colDef(show = F),
              columns = list(
                country_territory = colDef(show=T,
                                           name = "Country Name"),
                year = colDef(show=T, name = "Year"),
                region_un = colDef(show=T, name = "Region"),
                CPI = colDef(show=T, name="Corruption Perception Index"),
                Rank = colDef(show=T,
                              style = function(value) {
                                normalized <- scale(value, scale=FALSE)
                                color <- orange_pal(value/181)
                                list(background = color, color = "black")
                standard_error = colDef(show=T,
                                        name = "Standard Deviation of CPI"),
                sources = colDef(show=T,
                                 name = "No. of Sources",
                                 align = "left", 
                                 cell = function(value) {
                                   width <- paste0(value*10,"%")
                                   bar_chart(value, width = width)
              theme = reactableTheme(
                color = "hsl(233, 9%, 87%)",
                backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 19%)",
                borderColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 22%)",
                stripedColor = "hsl(233, 12%, 22%)",
                highlightColor = "hsl(233, 12%, 24%)",
                inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                selectStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 28%)")

The app


# Load the multiperiod data
CPI.Time <- readxl::read_excel(path="data/CPI2022_GlobalResultsTrends.xlsx", sheet=2, skip=2) %>% clean_names()
# create a cleaner function to clean the data
cleaner <- function(data, string) {
  # Start with the data
  data |>
    # Use the iso3 as ID and keep everything that starts with string
    select(iso3, starts_with(string)) |>
    # pivot those variables except iso3
                 # names_prefix needs to remove string_
                 names_prefix = paste0(string,"_",sep=""),
                 # make what's left of the names the year -- it will be a four digit year
                 names_to = "year",
                 # make the values named string
# Clean the panel data
CPI.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"cpi_score")
Sources.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"sources")
StdErr.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time,"standard_error")
Rank.TS.Tidy <- cleaner(CPI.Time, "rank")
# Join together the panel data
Panel.FJ <- left_join(CPI.TS.Tidy, Sources.TS.Tidy) |> 
  left_join(StdErr.TS.Tidy) |> 
  left_join(Rank.TS.Tidy) |>
  mutate(year = as.integer(year)) |>
  filter(year > 2016)
rm(CPI.TS.Tidy, Sources.TS.Tidy, StdErr.TS.Tidy, Rank.TS.Tidy)

# Map Stuff

world <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")

# Join the data to the map
Names.Merge <- CPI.Time |> select(iso3, country_territory, region)
Panel <- left_join(Panel.FJ, Names.Merge) |> 
  relocate(where(is.character)) # |>
Map.Data <- merge(world, Panel, by.x="iso_a3", by.y= "iso3")
Map.Data <- Map.Data |> 
  mutate(tooltip = paste0(sovereignt,"<br>",year,"<br>CPI: ",cpi_score, "<br>Rank: ",rank, sep="")) |>
  rename(Rank = rank) |> 
  rename(CPI = cpi_score) |>
  group_by(region_un, year) |> 
  mutate(sCPI = scale(CPI, scale = FALSE)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  mutate(standard_error = round(standard_error, 3)) |>
  select(iso_a3, country_territory, year, region_un, CPI, sCPI, Rank, standard_error, sources, tooltip, geometry) 
rm(Panel.FJ, Names.Merge)

Map.Data <- na.omit(Map.Data)

bar_chart_pos_neg <- function(label, value, max_value = 50, height = "1rem",
                              pos_fill = "green", neg_fill = "red") {
  neg_chart <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
  pos_chart <- div(style = list(flex = "1 1 0"))
  width <- paste0(abs(value / max_value) * 100, "%")
  if (value < 0) {
    bar <- div(style = list(marginLeft = "0.5rem", background = neg_fill, width = width, height = height))
    chart <- div(
      style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center", justifyContent = "flex-end"),
    neg_chart <- tagAppendChild(neg_chart, chart)
  } else {
    bar <- div(style = list(marginRight = "0.5rem", background = pos_fill, width = width, height = height))
    chart <- div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), bar, label)
    pos_chart <- tagAppendChild(pos_chart, chart)
  div(style = list(display = "flex"), neg_chart, pos_chart)

bar_chart <- function(label, width = "100%", height = "1rem", fill = "#00bfc4", background = NULL) {
  bar <- div(style = list(background = fill, width = width, height = height))
  chart <- div(style = list(flexGrow = 1, marginLeft = "0.5rem", background = background), bar)
  div(style = list(display = "flex", alignItems = "center"), label, chart)

orange_pal <- function(x) rgb(colorRamp(c("#ffe4cc", "#ffb54d"))(x), maxColorValue = 255)

# Define UI for application
ui <- fluidPage(theme=shinytheme("darkly"),
    plotlyOutput("distPlot", height="650px")
    # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
                        "Viridis Palette:",
                        choices = c(LETTERS[1:5]),
                        selected = "D",
                        inline = TRUE
                        choices = list("Corruption Index" = "CPI",
                                       "Rank" = "Rank",
                                       "No. of Sources" = "sources",
                                       "Std. Error" = "standard_error"),
                        selected = "CPI"),
                 HTML("<small>Corruption Index: Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) <br/> 
                      Rank: Ranking, Best to Worst <br/>
                      No. of Sources: Number of Sources for CPI <br/>
                      Std. Error: Variability of CPI</small>"))),
                        min = 2017,
                        max= 2022,
                        value = 2022)

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  Map.Me <- reactive({Map.Data |> filter(year==input$year)})
  output$DT <- renderReactable(
              groupBy = "region_un",
              defaultColDef = colDef(show = F),
              columns = list(
                country_territory = colDef(show=T,
                                           name = "Country Name"),
                year = colDef(show=T, name = "Year"),
                region_un = colDef(show=T, name = "Region"),
                CPI = colDef(show=T, name="Corruption Perception Index"),
                sCPI = colDef(show=T,
                  name = "Scaled Corruption",
                  cell = function(value) {
                    label <- paste(round(value, digits=2))
                    bar_chart_pos_neg(label, value)
                Rank = colDef(show=T,
                              style = function(value) {
                                normalized <- scale(value, scale=FALSE)
                                color <- orange_pal(value/181)
                                list(background = color, color = "black")
                standard_error = colDef(show=T,
                                        name = "Standard Deviation of CPI"),
                sources = colDef(show=T,
                                 name = "No. of Sources",
                                 align = "left", 
                                 cell = function(value) {
                                   width <- paste0(value*10,"%")
                                   bar_chart(value, width = width)
              theme = reactableTheme(
                color = "hsl(233, 9%, 87%)",
                backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 19%)",
                borderColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 22%)",
                stripedColor = "hsl(233, 12%, 22%)",
                highlightColor = "hsl(233, 12%, 24%)",
                inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                selectStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"),
                pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 28%)")
  output$distPlot <- renderPlotly({
               hovertext=~tooltip) |>
          z = ~get(input$var), 
          locations = ~iso_a3,
          color = ~get(input$var), 
          colors = viridis_pal(option = input$pal)(3)
        ) |> 
          geo = list(showframe=FALSE)) |>
          colorbar(title = paste(input$var, "in", input$year))

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

A Link to the App


How’s that done?
knitr::write_bib(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs), file="bibliography.bib")


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