Choice and Forecasting: Week 4

Robert W. Walker

Regression for Categorical Variables

Multinomial variables are, by definition, multidimensional; we would otherwise call them ordered. But even ordered variables are beset by the problem of metrics. If we have low, medium, and high, should they be 1,2,3 or 1,3,5, or 1,3,4 or perhaps 1,5,7? Recall that a slope in a regression is the change in y for a unit change in x. We know things are bigger or smaller but by definition struggle with the question of how much?


Today we will consider two related models of such phenomena. It extends last week’s discussion of models for binary choices to more extensive choice sets or two richer outcomes than the binary case. They are:

  • Multinomial/conditional choice models
  • Ordered Choice models

There are entire texts on these subjects. For example, Greene and Hensher (2010) presents an entire text on ordered choices; Kenneth E. Train’s Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation examines both.


Comparing Models with AIC

The AIC [and BIC] are built around the idea of likelihood presented last time. The formal definition, which is correct on Wikipedia explains the following:


A Bit on Random Utility

There’s a great blog post that I found that details this. In a classic paper for which [among many others], Daniel L. McFadden was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics, he develops a multinomial/conditional logistic regression model for the study of nominal outcomes. The core statistics demonstration is that, if random utility for options is described by a Gumbel/Type I extreme value distribution, then the difference in utility has a logistic distribution. From this observation, one can develop random utility models for unordered choices that follows from utility maximization. In short, we can use microeconomic foundations to motivate the models that follow.

A Bit On Model Specification

There are two ways to think about such models. They can be motivated by choice-specific covariates or by chooser specific covariates [or a combination of both]. In general, if the covariates are chooser-specific, we call it a multinomial logit model while, if the covariates are choice specific, we call it conditional logit or conditional logistic regression. McFadden’s paper is built around transportation choices.

One Key Assumption to McFadden’s Approach

The independence of irrelevant alternatives contends that, when people choose among a set of alternatives, the odds of choosing option A over option B should not depend on the presence or absence of unchosen alternative C. Paul Allison, a famous emeritus sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has a nice blog post on this that is well worth the time.

Imagine the following scenario; you are out to dinner and you are given menus. One of your companions is excited to choose a steak from the menu. The server arrives and announces the specials of the day; your companion then decides that a pork chop option from the menu is preferable. Perhaps they were originally indifferent between the steak and the pork chop. Nevertheless, it would appear as though the presentation of irrelevant alternatives – the specials – had a nontrivial effect on your companion’s choices.

Multinomial [Unordered] Outcomes

An example: exchange rate regimes and the vanishing middle.

There is a sizable literature on how countries structure markets for currency exchange. There are two polar approaches:

  1. Fixed: the price is fixed and central banks offer the needed quantities to maintain a given price.
  2. Flexible: the quantities are fixed and the price adjusts.

but there is also a third: intermediate regimes; things like floating pegs, the ERM snake, and others that are mixtures of the two. The literature in international monetary economics highlights these as prone to instability.

The data

The Data

Loading the Data

library(foreign) <- read.dta("./img/rr_dal_try1.dta")

   0    1    2 
1016  240  206$regime2aF <- as.factor($regime2a)$regime2aF <- relevel($regime2aF, ref = "1")
  • 0 is fixed.
  • 1 is intermediate
  • 2 is flexible/floating

A Model

multi_model <- multinom(formula = regime2aF ~ probirch + dumirch + fix_l + float_l,
    maxit = 500, data =


stargazer(multi_model, type = "html")
Dependent variable:
0 2
(1) (2)
probirch 18.003*** 15.319**
(5.632) (5.982)
dumirch -23.831*** -9.226
(7.078) (7.483)
fix_l 6.076*** 3.347***
(0.368) (0.431)
float_l 2.763*** 4.992***
(0.443) (0.424)
Constant -2.945*** -3.277***
(0.343) (0.385)
Akaike Inf. Crit. 967.448 967.448
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

A Bit of Interpretation <- %>%
    select(regime2aF, probirch, dumirch, fix_l, float_l)
 regime2aF    probirch          dumirch            fix_l       
 1: 240    Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.0000  
 0:1016    1st Qu.:0.01000   1st Qu.:0.00000   1st Qu.:0.0000  
 2: 206    Median :0.04000   Median :0.00000   Median :1.0000  
           Mean   :0.04034   Mean   :0.00754   Mean   :0.7175  
           3rd Qu.:0.05000   3rd Qu.:0.01000   3rd Qu.:1.0000  
           Max.   :0.34000   Max.   :0.16000   Max.   :1.0000  
           NA's   :150       NA's   :150                       
 Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.:0.0000  
 Median :0.0000  
 Mean   :0.1327  
 3rd Qu.:0.0000  
 Max.   :1.0000  

A Plot <- data.frame(fix_l = 0, float_l = 0, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = 0)
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1$Irregular <-$probirch
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Graph.1 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal() <- data.frame(fix_l = 0, float_l = 0, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01))
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Preds.1.df$Irregular <-$probirch
Graph.2 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal()

A Picture

Graph.1 + Graph.2 + plot_annotation(title = "Intermediates")

A Plot <- data.frame(fix_l = 1, float_l = 0, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = 0)
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1$Irregular <-$probirch
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Graph.1 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal() <- data.frame(fix_l = 1, float_l = 0, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01))
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Preds.1.df$Irregular <-$probirch
Graph.2 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal()

A Picture

Graph.1 + Graph.2 + plot_annotation(title = "Fixes")

A Plot <- data.frame(fix_l = 0, float_l = 1, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = 0)
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1$Irregular <-$probirch
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Graph.1 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal() <- data.frame(fix_l = 0, float_l = 1, probirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01),
    dumirch = seq(0, 0.34, by = 0.01))
Preds.1 <- data.frame(predict(multi_model, newdata =, type = "p"))
Preds.1.df <- data.frame(Preds.1)
Preds.1.df$Irregular <-$probirch
Graph.2 <- Preds.1.df %>%
    pivot_longer(., cols = c(X1, X2, X0)) %>%
    ggplot(.) + aes(x = Irregular, y = value, color = name) + geom_point() + theme_minimal()

A Picture

Graph.1 + Graph.2 + plot_annotation(title = "Floats")

Goodness of Fit

DescTools::PseudoR2(multi_model, which = c("McFadden", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke",
   McFadden    CoxSnell  Nagelkerke         AIC 
  0.5676473   0.6125299   0.7545319 967.4475199 


multi_model.2 <- multinom(formula = regime2aF ~ fix_l + float_l, maxit = 500, data =
# weights:  12 (6 variable)
initial  value 1606.171166 
iter  10 value 532.176055
iter  20 value 531.979184
iter  20 value 531.979183
iter  20 value 531.979183
final  value 531.979183 
multi_model.3 <- multinom(formula = regime2aF ~ probirch + fix_l + float_l, maxit = 500,
    data =
# weights:  15 (8 variable)
initial  value 1441.379323 
iter  10 value 482.863574
iter  20 value 480.237337
iter  30 value 480.208852
final  value 480.208838 


DescTools::PseudoR2(multi_model.2, which = c("McFadden", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke",
    McFadden     CoxSnell   Nagelkerke          AIC 
   0.5592956    0.6029024    0.7459794 1075.9583656 
DescTools::PseudoR2(multi_model.3, which = c("McFadden", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke",
   McFadden    CoxSnell  Nagelkerke         AIC 
  0.5617286   0.6086804   0.7497900 976.4176765 

The Best Model is the One Presented

It minimizes AIC.

Ordered Outcomes

My preferred method of thinking about ordered regression involves latent variables. So what is a latent variable? It is something that is unobservable, hence latent, and we only observe coarse realizations in the form of qualitative categories. Consider the example from Li in the Journal of Politics.

Li’s Study

Li investigates the determinants of tax incentives for Foreign Direct Investment in a sample of countries driven by data availability. There are four distinct claims:

1 and 2



Motivating the Model

Suppose there is some unobserved continuous variable, call it y^{*} that measures the willingness/utility to be derived from tax incentives to FDI. Unfortunately, this latent quantity is unobservable; we instead observe how many incentives are offered and posit that the number of incentives is a manifestation of increasing utility with unknown points of separation – cutpoints – that separate these latent utilities into a mutually exclusive and exhaustive partition. In a simplified example, consider this.

abline(v = c(-3, -2, -1, 0, 2, 4))

So anything below -3 is zero incentives; anything between -3 and -2 is one incentive, … , and anything above 4 should be all six incentives.

The Model Structure

What we have is a regression problem but the outcome is unobserved and takes the form of a logistic random variable. Indeed, one could write the equation as:

y^{*} = X\beta + \epsilon

where \epsilon is assumed to have a logistic distribution but this is otherwise just a linear regression. Indeed, the direct interpretation of the slopes is the effect of a one-unit change in X on that logistic random variable.

The Data

This should give us an idea of what is going on. The data come in Stata format; we can read these via the foreign or haven libraries in R.

Li.Data <- read.dta("./img/li-replication.dta")

 0  1  2  3  4  5  6 
13 10 19  7  2  1  1 
Li.Data$generositygF <- as.factor(Li.Data$generosityg)

Model 1

First, let us have a look at Model 1.

li.mod1 <- polr(generositygF ~ law00log + transition, data = Li.Data)
polr(formula = generositygF ~ law00log + transition, data = Li.Data)

             Value Std. Error t value
law00log   -0.6192     0.4756 -1.3019
transition -0.5161     0.7126 -0.7243

    Value   Std. Error t value
0|1 -1.3617  0.3768    -3.6144
1|2 -0.4888  0.3323    -1.4707
2|3  1.1785  0.3668     3.2133
3|4  2.3771  0.5361     4.4339
4|5  3.1160  0.7325     4.2541
5|6  3.8252  1.0183     3.7565

Residual Deviance: 164.3701 
AIC: 180.3701 


We can read these by stars. There is nothing that is clearly different from zero as a slope or 1 as an odds-ratio. The authors deploy a common strategy for adjusting standard errors that, in this case, is necessary to find a relationship with statistical confidence. That’s a diversion. To the story. In general, the sign of the rule of law indicator is negative, so as rule of law increases, incentives decrease though we cannot rule out no effect. Transitions also have a negative sign; regime changes have no clear influence on incentives. There is additional information that is commonly given short-shrift. What do the cutpoints separating the categories imply? Let’s think this through recongizing that the estimates have an underlying t/normal distribution. 4|5 is within one standard error of both 3|4 and 5|6. The model cannot really tell these values apart. Things do improve in the lower part of the scale but we should note that this is where the vast majority of the data are actually observed.

Odds Ratios

Next, I will turn the estimates into odds-ratios by exponentiating the estimates.

  law00log transition 
 0.5384016  0.5968309 

Model 4

li.mod4 <- polr(generositygF ~ law00log + transition + fdiinf + democfdi + democ +
    autocfdi2 + autocfdir + reggengl + reggengl2 + gdppclog + gdplog, data = Li.Data)
polr(formula = generositygF ~ law00log + transition + fdiinf + 
    democfdi + democ + autocfdi2 + autocfdir + reggengl + reggengl2 + 
    gdppclog + gdplog, data = Li.Data)

              Value Std. Error t value
law00log   -0.89148    0.66806 -1.3344
transition -0.57123    0.94945 -0.6016
fdiinf      0.37605    0.18055  2.0828
democfdi   -0.39969    0.18228 -2.1927
democ      -1.23307    0.77661 -1.5878
autocfdi2   1.24932    1.94198  0.6433
autocfdir  -3.17796    1.95351 -1.6268
reggengl    1.81476    0.44754  4.0550
reggengl2  -0.05777    0.01444 -4.0007
gdppclog    0.20891    0.43867  0.4762
gdplog      0.15754    0.18138  0.8686

    Value    Std. Error t value 
0|1  13.7773   0.1020   135.0542
1|2  14.7314   0.3048    48.3349
2|3  16.9740   0.5230    32.4561
3|4  18.7911   0.8027    23.4107
4|5  20.0387   1.1590    17.2900
5|6  23.2947   4.7216     4.9336

Residual Deviance: 134.2212 
AIC: 168.2212 
(2 observations deleted due to missingness)

Odds Ratios

Measured via odds-ratios, we can obtain those:

  law00log transition     fdiinf   democfdi      democ  autocfdi2  autocfdir 
0.41004648 0.56483013 1.45651991 0.67052543 0.29139805 3.48796970 0.04167039 
  reggengl  reggengl2   gdppclog     gdplog 
6.13958891 0.94386864 1.23232943 1.17063051 

Diagnostics and Commentary

Goodness of Fit:

DescTools::PseudoR2(li.mod1, which = c("McFadden", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke", "AIC"))
    McFadden     CoxSnell   Nagelkerke          AIC 
  0.01104919   0.03405653   0.03560378 180.37009764 
DescTools::PseudoR2(li.mod4, which = c("McFadden", "CoxSnell", "Nagelkerke", "AIC"))
   McFadden    CoxSnell  Nagelkerke         AIC 
  0.1649728   0.4054507   0.4235700 168.2212440 

The last model is clearly better than the first by any of these measures. That said, there are a lot of additional predictors that add much complexity to the model and the difference in AIC is not very large.

Constructing Predictions Together

Let’s do this.

To get the data, we will need the following.

Li.Data <- read.dta("")

The Model

li.mod4 <- polr(generositygF ~ law00log + transition + fdiinf + democfdi + democ +
    autocfdi2 + autocfdir + reggengl + reggengl2 + gdppclog + gdplog, data = Li.Data)

What Counterfactual?

And what does this mean….