Week 12: Shiny Part IV


Robert W. Walker


April 10, 2023

Meeting Date: April 10, 2023.

Last updated: 2023-04-10 13:53:16

Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

Class Plan

  1. AMA
  2. Shiny, Part III Completion
  3. Shiny, Part IV


Week 12 Slides


The ninth assignment is rolled into the creation of a shiny application.

Syllabus Module for Week 11

Unifying it All Together with Shiny

Working through these chapters

Start with:

ui <- ...
server <- ...
shinyApp(ui, server)

and the steps will fill in a ui and server

Chapter 12

  • tidy evaluation

Screen shot

  • Passing variable names
ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput("var", "Sort by", choices = names(mtcars)),
  checkboxInput("desc", "Descending order?"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
  sorted <- reactive({
    if (input$desc) {
      arrange(mtcars, desc(.data[[input$var]]))
    } else {
      arrange(mtcars, .data[[input$var]])
  output$data <- renderTable(sorted())
shinyApp(ui, server)

Chapter 16: Escaping the Graph


The Case Studies

Part 1

Part 2

Two that are related.

Part 3

Part 4

The timer



It is quite easy to get carried away and muddle the flow.


Chapter 17 on General Guidelines

In some ways, there is a conflict between this week and next. It goes back to something from the first two weeks: empathy and/or be a ticket. There is tension between planning and building and most people that I know that do this regularly have learned, through pain mostly, that we often want to build more quickly than we should. Plan and prototype.

Along those lines, the role of functions and modules should often not be something in the scale up phase but rather in the initial build phase because we know what repetitive tasks/functions they will serve.

On functions and modules, the latter is basically a set of linked functions. Inside either UI or server, we can use functions, modules tend to combine linked functions on the UI and server side.

Packaging shiny applications is probably a key to putting them into wide production because it makes them more accessible and should guarantee that they are well documented. Remember, being able to figure out what you did six months ago gets harder and harder. Documentation is a gift to both users and your future self.

The same goes for testing. Our users will be frustrated when tools fail on them. Testing is a service to them and our future selves because debugging something in advance keeps us from having to reconstruct what we knew at the time before being able to fix whatever bugs we witness.

In many enterprise applications, security is paramount. That comes in two basic forms: data security and execution security. In docker containers, if that is our mode of deployment, there is a thread on the course discord highlighting approaches to this.

Finally, performance.

  • Benchmark
  • Profile
  • Optimise

With shiny apps, there are two parts to this. There are the standard tools for code optimization [pipes for example]. There is another layer in the UI server interactions. The chapter highlights many useful pieces of information; Joe Chang’s talk is awesome.

Asynchronous programming is also of considerable use because R is single-threaded. promises takes us a long way


For next time: look at Engineering-Shiny

Target audience


knitr::write_bib(names(sessionInfo()$otherPkgs), file="bibliography.bib")


Chang, Winston, Joe Cheng, JJ Allaire, Carson Sievert, Barret Schloerke, Yihui Xie, Jeff Allen, Jonathan McPherson, Alan Dipert, and Barbara Borges. 2022. Shiny: Web Application Framework for r. https://shiny.rstudio.com/.