Week 2: Building a Portfolio, Part I
Meeting Date: January 23, 2023
Class Plan [Not Necessarily Chronological]
- On Git in a Bit More Detail
- RMarkdown Driven Development
- Building a Portfolio with Quarto, Distil, or Blogdown
Slides: Week 2 Slides
- RMarkdown Driven Development
Though written about RMarkdown, the same general principles apply to quarto. Emily Riederer has an excellent blog post describing RDD RMarkdown Driven Development.
- On Git
Jenny Bryan has an excellent, though dated, extended treatment of Git. It was distilled into a shorter article, Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control?
That’s for software developers. Why is it an ideal tool for data science and data projects?
One of the most important ideas when collaborating: merge versus rebase.
Key Tips
- Thinking through
The usethis
package and usethis::git_vaccinate()
- Primary data security through adding
Two supplemental topics:
The second assignment is individual. Here is what I want you to do.
- Some preparation.
Have a look at a few sites built via each approach. I have examples, no claim that they are good, in
using hugo Allison Presmanes-Hill gave great talk on this to the PDX R-Users groupquarto
- I have a template for
that I created in a few minutes.
- The first key thing is to make sure distill is installed with
- I would also point you to the RStudio examples.
- I have a template for
Deliverable: an email containing the URL. You should also post a link to it in the Portfolios thread so that others can have a look at what you have done. For now just a working template is sufficient though you should at least customize whatever you start with.