Week 2: Building a Portfolio, Part I


Robert W. Walker


January 23, 2023

Meeting Date: January 23, 2023

Class Plan [Not Necessarily Chronological]

  1. On Git in a Bit More Detail
  2. AMA
  3. RMarkdown Driven Development
  4. Building a Portfolio with Quarto, Distil, or Blogdown

Slides: Week 2 Slides


  • RMarkdown Driven Development

Though written about RMarkdown, the same general principles apply to quarto. Emily Riederer has an excellent blog post describing RDD RMarkdown Driven Development.

  • On Git

Jenny Bryan has an excellent, though dated, extended treatment of Git. It was distilled into a shorter article, Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about version control?

The longer version is here

Version Control

What is it? That’s for software developers. Why is it an ideal tool for data science and data projects?

One of the most important ideas when collaborating: merge versus rebase.

It has a golden rule.

Key Tips

  • Thinking through .gitignore

The usethis package and usethis::git_vaccinate()

  • Primary data security through adding data/ to .gitignore.

Two supplemental topics:

  1. How to Read R Help

  2. RMarkdown Driven Development


The second assignment is individual. Here is what I want you to do.

  1. Some preparation.

Have a look at a few sites built via each approach. I have examples, no claim that they are good, in

Deliverable: an email containing the URL. You should also post a link to it in the Portfolios thread so that others can have a look at what you have done. For now just a working template is sufficient though you should at least customize whatever you start with.